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A Look at Survival Preparedness

Are you concerned about the lack of everyday resources, the rise in the cost of living, the pressures to keep or even find a job? Some of you may have thought "this would never happen to me".

You see the daily images on the news about natural disasters, store shelves not being restocked as normal due to a shortage with food distribution and everyday commodities.

It is just as challenging to get mail order supplies while dealing with the extended shipping delays and having to wait longer for what you want. All of this is still occurring at the same time prices for everything is still going up.

Navigating your way through these challenges while people are getting more and more desperate and still having to deal with a health crisis that affects us all in some form or the other is critical to say the least.

To Prep or Not to Prep?

The previously stated may not be an encouraging point of view, but if you have read up to this point you may not only be considering whether or not you should be prepping, but how do you begin to prepare or increase what you have and need.

Taking an approach to prepping should be proactive and relevant to your living standards and should not only be done after an emergency or when things get rough?

Some things to consider when making preparations for your survival needs are - survival kits, gear, clothing, food and water, tools, equipment, weapons and more... But the most important aspect in your preparations begins with your mind and developing the skill sets that will make your prepping more valuable to you.

You must realize that the material things that you accumulate will not last, can be destroyed or even taken. What you learn, know and train with can always increase your ability to keep a clear head, have a plan, know when and how to act, know how to respond to the many things that you can are faced with. This alone will give you a peace of mind and eliminate the feelings of desperation and worse.

Where do you begin?

Your approach to prepping should not only be thought of as only having a survival kit. There are some other things

that you need to consider as you begin your journey.

  1. Who are you prepping for? Self or Family? How many?

  2. What kinds of emergencies could affect you?

  3. Where will you store your supplies?

  4. What do you need to get and How much?

  5. When is the best time to get certain items and food?

  6. How long will it last?

  7. How do you secure and protect it?

  8. Will you be mobile or stationary?

  9. know how to distinguish between short term , mid term and long term prepping needs.

If you already have answers to these questions now that's great, but it's also okay if you don't. Start where you are now and determine what is most important to you . Begin the process. Your life or your families life may depend on it.

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